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作者:审稿: 时间:2022-11-03浏览次数:

梁越洋, 博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年6月毕业于四川农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学博士,攻读博士期间在国家留学基金委和Gatsby基金的资助下,在英国剑桥大学攻读联合培养博士。毕业论文获校级优秀博士学位论文。 主要从事水稻株型遗传调控和育种应用、水稻分子模块设计育种、杂交水稻制种全程机械化研究。在国际著名期刊《Plant Cell》等发表论文20余篇,主研育成国审水稻品种4个,主持国家自然科学基金1项,四川省科技厅项目1项,成都市重大科技项目1项。





新型植物激素独脚金内酯对植物株型建成具有重要作用。通过对独脚金内酯信号靶蛋白的功能研究,明确了该激素调控的下游分子途径,揭示了独脚金内酯调控植物株型发育的分子机理。研究成果分别以第一作者和第四作者在植物学Top期刊《The Plant Cell》发表ESI高引论文2篇,均入选当月期刊的亮点论文。





4. 杂交水稻制种全程机械化研究






4.杂交水稻全程机械化制种试验和示范项目,邛崃市2021年制种大县种业产学研融合创新项目,2021-2022 主持。


1.Liang, Y., Ward, S., Li, P., Bennett, T., Leyser, O. (2016). SMAX1-LIKE7 signals from the nucleus to regulate shoot development in Arabidopsis via partially EAR motif-independent mechanisms. Plant Cell 28: 1581–1601.

2. Soundappan I*, Bennett T*, Morffy N,Liang Y, Stanga, JP, Abbas A, Leyser O, Nelson DC (2015). SMAX1-LIKE/D53 family members enable distinct MAX2-dependent responses to strigolactones and karrikins in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell,27, 3143-3159.

3.Liang Y*,Wang S*, Huang X., et al. (2017). Characterization of a new allelic mutant of DWARF3 in rice and analysing its function and stability in the presence of strigolactone. Mol Breeding 37: 39. doi:10.1007/s11032-017-0640-x.

4. Bennett, T.,Liang, Y.,Seale, M., Ward, S., Müller, D., & Leyser, O. (2016).Strigolactone regulates shoot development through a core signalling pathway. BiologyOpen.

5. WANG Xiu-mei,Liang Yue-yang, LI Ling et al. Identification and Cloning of Tillering-Related Genes OsMAX1 in Rice [J]. RICE SCIENCE, 2015, 22(6): 255-263.

6. Yun Ren, Dan Chen, Wenjie Li, Dan Zhou, Tao Luo, Guoqiang Yuan, Jing Zeng, Ye Cao, Zhongshan He, Ting Zou, Qiming Deng, Shiquan Wang, Aiping Zheng, Jun Zhu,Yueyang Liang,Huainian Liu, Lingxia Wang, Ping Li, Shuangcheng Li. OsSHOC1 and OsPTD1 are essential for crossover formation during rice meiosis. The Plant Journal, 2019, 99(2): 315-328.

7. Yang Tao, Dan Chen, Ting Zou, Jing Zeng, Fengyan Gao, Zhongshan He, Dan Zhou, Zhiyuan He, Guoqiang Yuan, Miaomiao Liu, Hongfeng Zhao, Qiming Deng, Shiquan Wang, Aiping Zheng, Jun Zhu,Yueyang Liang, Lingxia Wang, Ping Li, Shuangcheng Li. Defective Leptotene Chromosome 1 (DLC1) encodes a type‐B response regulator and is required for rice meiosis. The Plant Journal,2019, 99(3): 556-570.

8. He, Zhiyuan; Zou, Ting; Xiao, Qiao; Yuan, Guoqiang; Liu, Miaomiao; Tao, Yang; Zhou, Dan; Zhang, Xu; Deng, Qiming; Wang, Shiquan; Zheng, Aiping; Zhu, Jun;Liang, Yueyang; Yu, Xiumei; Wang, Aijun; Liu, Huainian; Wang, Lingxia; Li, Ping*; Li, Shuangcheng*;An L-type lectin receptor-like kinase promotes starch accumulation during rice pollen maturation,Development, 2021, 148(6): dev196378.

9. Tao, Yang; Zou, Ting; Zhang, Xu; Liu, Rui; Chen, Hao; Yuan, Guoqiang; Zhou, Dan; Xiong, Pingping; He, Zhiyuan; Li, Gongwen; Zhou, Menglin; Liu, Sijing; Deng, Qiming; Wang, Shiquan; Zhu, Jun;Liang, Yueyang; Yu, Xiumei; Zheng, Aiping; Wang, Aijun; Liu, Huainian; Wang, Lingxia; Li, Ping*; Li, Shuangcheng*;Secretory lipid transfer protein OsLTPL94 acts as a target of EAT1 and is required for rice pollen wall development,Plant Journal, 2021, 108(2):358-377.



2. 国审稻20200089,蜀优975,排名第二。

3. 国审稻20196163,川浙优丝苗,排名第二。


